by Christopher Moller
A diverse range of stories and poems that sweep from the naive awareness of a country boy from the Mid-North and Eyre Peninsula in the mid twentieth century to the sometimes cynical but often wry and funny ironies of a concerned citizen of the world today and includes a sympathetic description of those forced to make new lives in a foreign land.
Apart from the sharp description and clever narratives, what emerges in Moller’s work is a love of his native land and its people and a clear-eyed appreciation of the changes they have experienced, both good and bad. What I enjoyed very much were the gentle love lyrics, a lone picnic / is not what I imagined / for this night / when I imagined you, the many and memorable, photographic images as in ‘Ash on Mt Remarkable’ which show that beauty can be found even after a devastating bush fire, sheep lying, as if untouched / form small heaps / pock-mark distant paddocks, and the sensual appreciation of the Australian landscape as in the beautiful story, ‘Morning in Autumn’, where a person’s love of nature can sustain him even at the moment of death.
A rich and rewarding read.
Peter McFarlane
602 pages softcover